
Business Data Analytics Technology of the Year (CT-BDA)

Technologies developed which utilises large volumes of data – both structured and unstructured – that result in strategic analysis and better business decisions.

Here “Business” is interpreted in a broad sense to include both public and private sector organisations as well as NGOs, with technology which utilises large volumes of data – both structured and unstructured that result in strategic analysis and better decisions. This may include advanced data analytics and unique algorithms.

It must demonstrate that the datasets are large enough to necessitate high-level programming skill and statistically defensible methodologies in order to transform the data asset into something of value.


The entry will be judged on four criteria, each examining two attributes:

Judging CriteriaWeightingAttributesWeighting
Security30%Solution architecture and/or platform design60%
Compliance / adherence to security standards40%
Creativity30%Process of Data Mining, Algorithm Used and Results Management50%
Elements of Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics50%
Scale20%Proof of how solution will scale and adopt to business needs50%
Seamless Data & Process Integration50%
Openness Integrability20%Demonstrate compliance to industry standards60%
Integration of third party solutions to enhance and/or monitor40%