The APICTA Awards judging is comprehensive process whereby all nominations are assessed by a team of independent judges.
Each award category in APICTA has specific judging criteria. These criteria come with distinct guidelines tailored for each category. To find detailed information about the criteria and their attributes for each category, please visit the respective category pages.
Each nominee is rigorously assessed by a team of judges of the highest caliber. They are drawn from government, academia and the industry from each of the APICTA member economies.
Judging panels usually comprise 3-4 judges. Membership of a category panel is determined based on judges’ preferences. All judges sign confidentiality agreements and also must declare a conflict of interest should one arise.

Registration for presentation process:
- Each entry nominee must report to the judging secretariat at least 15 minutes before the scheduled presentation time is due;
- The judging secretariat will register the entry nominee attendance and guide them to the waiting room;
- An usher from the organizing committee will guide the entry nominee to the judging room when their schedule is due.

Presentation time for each entry is same for all categories:
- 3 minutes set up
- 10 minutes for presentation and demo
- 10 minutes for Q&A
- 2 minutes for equipment disassembly. (Total time 25 minutes)
English is the mandatory language to be used for both Judges and Nominees during the judging process.