
Internet of Things Technology of the Year (CT-IOT)

The use of IoT technologies to create new abilities to extract data or to create new information to improve efficiencies, accuracy and/or economic benefit and reduced human intervention

The use of IoT technologies for the inter-connectedness of physical devices to enable solutions to extract data or to create new information to improve efficiencies, accuracy and/or economic benefit and reduced human intervention.

These include new methods to enable businesses, governments, and consumers to connect to their IoT devices, sensor technology and smart technology including remotes, dashboards, networks, gateways, analytics, data storage, and security.


The entry will be judged on four criteria, each examining two attributes:

Judging CriteriaWeightingAttributesWeighting
Security30%Solution architecture and/or platform design60%
Compliance / adherence to security standards40%
Creativity30%Purpose & Ease of Use50%
Area of deployment for efficiencies and advantage points50%
Scale20%Proof of how solution will scale50%
Ease of deployment and productivity & Integration for business use50%
Openness Integrability20%Demonstrate compliance to industry standards60%
Integration of third party solutions to enhance and/or monitor40%