Asia-Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards were initiated to increase ICT awareness in the international community and assist in bridging the digital divide. The APICTA network has 16 member-economies and provides an international awards program to showcase innovation, creativity and excellence in ICT in the Asia-Pacific region. APICTA’s member-economies include Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

APICTA provides the region’s ICT entrepreneurs with valuable networking and product benchmarking opportunities, fosters ICT innovation and creativity, promotes economic and trade relations and facilitates technology transfer. APICTA nominees gain access to valuable business matching opportunities through exposure to venture capitalists and investors.

Entry for the APICTA Awards is open to winners of their member-economy’s awards programs. Entrants are nominated to the awards program by their economy coordinator.

The APICTA Awards nomination fee is US$25 per entry for all categories. Nominations will not be accepted for judging until payment has been received.

The APICTA Awards selection criteria are provided as a guide to assist you in preparing your presentation, however, you are encouraged to highlight the inspirational and innovative aspects of your nomination. The judges will take the selection criteria into account when reviewing nominations. The selection criteria are included on the website.

As a courtesy to our judges and due to the large number of nominations we receive, it is important that you keep to the specified word and time limits in your nomination and presentation.

All nominees submit a written nomination which is reviewed by the judging panel. Nominees then present their nomination in a face to face presentation during which judges are able to ask questions. Following the presentation, judges deliberate and score each presentation on the judging criteria as outlined on this website.

You do have to be present for the judging. Video or teleconference facilities are not available so finalists must travel to the judging location to take part in the APICTA Awards.

The APICTA Awards are judged over a 2-3 day period. At the end of the judging, a gala dinner is held where the winners and merit recipients of the APICTA Awards are announced.

If your solution has won an APICTA award in the past three years, then you are ineligible to enter, even if you have undertaken product development. If you have entered but not won, you are more than welcome to enter again.